rose colored glasses

rose colored glasses
if a writer falls in love with you, you can never die

Thursday, December 16, 2010


So I have begun working on another story.  This time, I'm actually in love with the idea and will work on constructing my first novel while being enrolled in a fiction writing course through LMU Extension for the next five weeks.  I've said it before and I'll say it again, but my goal is to have a novel finished and published before I turn 25.  Ten months to go...

Here is the premise:
What if a young woman who couldn't put the past behind her had an opportunity to travel into the past and change it but realized that by changing one detail, she would lose everything?  It is the story of a woman who fought to gain back her life after realizing the past is a part of who you are-changing it changes everything.

As always, I appreciate feedback.  Keep checking back for more updates!
T Leigh

1 comment:

  1. Hey Torrey, just saw this blog of yours. Good stuff!

    If you're interested in publishing a novel, this is a great blog to follow:
    It's filled with great advice from writers, editors, and publishers.

    Hope you're well!
